Carmelo Hayes vs. Nathan Frazer
The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Hayes manages to roll up Frazer. Frazer kicks out and Hayes pushes him. Frazer delivers a drop kick before sending him groin first into the ring post. Hayes hits the Fade Away, then goes for a pin but Frazer kicks out. Hayes deliver a chop to Frazer, followed by a leaping lariat off the ropes. He goes for a pin, but Frazer kicks out. Hayes delivers several right hands to Frazer, then rolls up Frazer. Frazer kicks out and sends Hayes to the outside. Hayes gets back in the ring and Frazer hits him with three right hands. He sends him into the ropes and fires down right hands. He tackles Hayes to the mat and hits him with more right hands. He hits a couple super kicks on Hayes, then goes for a pin but Hayes kicks out.
Hayes rolls to the outside and Frazer delivers a taupe suicida onto the commentary desk. He sends Hayes back into the ring and climbs to the top rope, but Vinci pushes him off. This allows Hayes to hit the Fade Away off the top rope for the win.
Winner: Carmelo Hayes
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