Title vs. Title Unification Match: NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes vs. NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong
We go right to the ring and out first comes NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes with Trick Williams. The winner of this match will become the new NXT North American Champion. This is a change as they previously said the winner would be the inaugural NXT North American Cruiserweight Champion. Out next comes The Diamond Mine – NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong with Malcolm Bivens, Hachiman, Ivy Nile and The Creed Brothers. The champs meet in the middle of the ring and we get formal ring introductions from Alicia Taylor.
The bell rings and they lock up, taking it to the ropes. Hayes backs off as the referee warns him. They go at it again and fans do dueling chants. Strong taunts Trick briefly and locks up with Hayes again. They go back to the mat and trade offense, then get back to their feet, and back to the mat for pin attempts. We have a bit of a stalemate as Hayes shows off some. Strong fights out of the corner but Hayes grounds him in a headlock.
Strong fights out and levels Hayes with a big chop for a pop. Strong with more big chops against the ropes. Hayes goes to the floor to regroup and Strong follows, scaring Trick a bit with a chop tease. Hayes turns it around and brings it back in but Strong is waiting with rights and lefts. Fans do dueling chants again as they go at it. Strong misses in the corner and Hayes kicks him in the back of the head, then nails a springboard leg drop while Strong is draped over the ropes.
More back and forth in the middle of the ring again. Strong gets sent to the apron, then Hayes launches himself out for a big DDT on the edge of the apron. Fans chant “holy s–t!” as Hayes brings Strong back in the ring. Hayes goes to the top but has to roll through as Strong moves. Strong levels Hayes and turns him inside out with a big clothesline. Hayes kicks out just in time and we go to a commercial break.
Back from the break and fans are doing dueling chants as Hayes has Strong grounded in the middle of the ring. We see how Strong leveled Hayes with a big running kick during the break, and how Hayes nails a springboard crossbody. Hayes and Strong duke it out now. Strong with a running clothesline, then a backbreaker. Strong with another backbreaker. Strong scoops Hayes and drops him with a third backbreaker. Strong plays to the crowd for a pop now and they chant his name.
Hayes counters a move and takes Strong down for a 2 count, then goes right into a Crossface submission. Hachiman cheers Strong on from ringside as Trick yells at Hayes. Strong powers out and goes to slingshot Hayes into the corner by his legs but it’s blocked. Hayes with a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring now. Strong counters some and applies the Strong Hold in the middle of the ring. Hayes manages to turn the hold over and kick Strong away. Strong dodges a clothesline and spikes Hayes into a backbreaker. Hayes kicks out just in time.
They trade strikes from their knees now, up to their feet in the middle of the ring. Strong with the series of running forearms, then a high Angle Slam for another close 2 count. They lock back up and go to the corner as a “this is awesome!” chant starts back up. Hayes counters with a modified Cutter for a close 2 count. Hayes can’t believe it, showing frustration. Strong with a roll-up for 2. Strong with a stiff forearm. Hayes blocks a suplex, slams Strong and then nails a superkick.
Strong gets up dazed but he manages to nail a big kick to Hayes while he’s up top. Fans chant for Roddy now. They go on and Strong manages to hit a big X-Plex but Hayes still kicks out in time. Trick and Bivens can’t believe it. Hayes goes to the top for a flying leg drop and he nails it for the pin to win.
Winner: Carmelo Hayes
– After the match, Trick joins Hayes in the ring as the music hits and the celebration begins. Hayes takes both title belts and raises them in the corner. We go to replays. Hayes sits up on Trick’s shoulders now as the celebration continues.
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