McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with 2021 Breakout Tournament winner Carmelo Hayes. Hayes says he has the golden ticket and can go against any champion he wants. He talks about possibly going against NXT Cruiserweight Champion Kushida, NXT North American Champion Isaiah “Swerve” Scott or even NXT Champion Samoa Joe. Elektra Lopez interrupts and says the North American Title is for Santos Escobar to win, not Carmelo. Hayes says he earned this but… Legado del Fantasma interrupts – Escobar, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. Santos says the North American Title is his but since Hayes is new, he will give him a pass, so he can walk into his title match. Escobar warns Hayes to stay out of his business. Legado del Fantasma walks off and Hayes wonders if he was just threatened.
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